Simply Repair South Lakes brings together people with repair skills, and those who want to learn to repair.

Our Aims
Reduce waste - Share skills - Improve wellbeing - Build community
We live in a ‘throw away’ society where it’s often easier to buy new rather than repair what we have, and skills of mending and repair are being lost. Whilst we aim to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill we importantly provide an opportunity to bring generations together to share knowledge and skills.
There is an increasing amount of evidence to show that the repetitive, calming nature of crafting and repair can help with mental health and anxiety so another purpose is to work with community groups and schools to help address these issues. In addition our community activities help to combat loneliness by welcoming everybody and bringing people together.
Repair Cafe Kendal
Simply Repair South Lakes holds repair events where you can get clothes, small electricals, furniture, toys and other household items fixed. We bring together people with skills to repair and those who want to learn to repair.
Our Pop-up Repair Cafe is held every second Thursday of the month, 5-7pm at Space 2 Create, Kendal.

What We Do
Repair Cafe Kendal
Attend our Repair Cafe and our repairers will help you mend your items. Kendal People’s Cafe will be on hand too, providing a hot veggie meal and cakes.
Our making and mending workshops bring people together to learn or refresh a range of repair and crafting skills in a friendly, informal atmosphere led by local tutors and volunteers. All profits go directly to help fund more Simply Repair events.
Start a Repair Cafe
Our handy guide to starting your own repair cafe. Bring the repair revolution to your local area!
Coming Soon.
Watch this space.
Repair Directory
Need a local repairer? Use our online Repair Directory to find a local business that can extend the life of your items, keep them out of landfill and work towards a greener world.
Simply Repair is part funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and are part of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership’s ambitious emission reduction programme to make Cumbria carbon neutral by 2037.
The Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership brings together over 70 organisations in the public, private, and third sectors and is jointly chaired by Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS) and Cumbria County Council.
To achieve its goal, the partnership will be delivering a range of projects and activities, many of which have been inspired and developed by local communities. A number of these community-led projects and activities, including (the Simply Repair South Lakes Café), have been made possible by a £2.5 million grant from the National Lottery Community Fund.
For more information about the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership, go to Zero Carbon Cumbria Programme.
Our Repair Directory was made possible thanks to seed funding from South Lakeland District Council.

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